Comanche Trail Community Association

We are a volunteer group of neighborhood residents and homeowners.

We engage in various efforts to benefit the Comanche Trail neighborhood and all of its residents, property owners, and visitors.

Become a member!

If you’re a current resident of Comanche Trail, whether renting or owning, please consider joining the CTCA with a low annual membership fee of $25. These yearly dues pay for the events, educational materials, and neighborhood improvements that the CTCA Board Of Directors work on each year, and are required to receive our monthly newsletter, as well as for admission into annual neighborhood parties organized by the board members.

Pay Annual Dues

Want to get involved?

Contact us for information on becoming a CTCA board member for the upcoming year.

Want to stay informed?

Our monthly newsletter is available to neighborhood residents whose CTCA membership dues are paid for the current year. To stay up to date on community events, CTCA board meetings, announcements, and issues affecting the neighborhood through the newsletter, make sure your $25 annual dues have been paid for the year.

Pay Annual Dues